When you need to enlarge logos or hazy images for print or screen, vector conversion is the way to go. Raster to vector conversion keeps such minute details, resulting in big images with sharp, clear lines. Correct vector conversions need time and perseverance. However, you are not required to spend so much time as Xtreme EMB’s quality-led experts can do this for you.
Single Color
One of our specialisations is to simplify multi-color designs into a single color. When compared to multicolor patterns, single color designs typically lose a lot of detail while also being less expensive.
Multi Color
To traverse such imaging techniques, we use vectors based on the magnitude of the primary colours’ intensities and their orientation in three dimensions. These vectors will be referred to as “multi color vectors.” It includes color separations as well.
Live Image
Do you want a live or real time image printed on your fabric? Xtreme Embroidery can help you with that. We can convert your live images to vector in no time and with 100% accuracy.
Vinyl Cut
Vinyl cutting is a versatile procedure featuring vinyl cutters to design, print, and even cut through fabric to create intricate designs, labels, and warmth-transfer transfers. Vinyl cutting is extremely exact, which makes it a perfect application for digital vector art.